Mackenzie Creswell

Mackenzie Creswell

Hello, my name is Mackenzie Creswell, and I write for and promote its content on the web. BuyABride is a website about cross-cultural relationships that can help you meet a woman in another country. Of course, despite the clickbait name of the site, it doesn’t offer anyone to participate in illegal activities, but it offers an opportunity to find an ideal match in any country.
To be honest, I could never think that I would become a person who knows a lot about the international dating market and helps singles in the US and other countries find a future spouse abroad. I took the Marketing & Communication courses at the University of Pennsylvania and thought that I would help companies sell the goods, I don’t know, like mattresses, until after the 3 years of building a career at the local company that was really selling products through a large supermarket chain, HR of international dating company contacted me and offered better career opportunities.
I was pretty enthusiastic about this chance, not only because that was the next level for me as a head marketer and also a writer but also because I actually have both positive and negative cross-cultural relationship experiences, and I really wanted to know if they work for this many people, and if they do, why and how. In my first interview, I was completely honest and said that this was one of my main motivations. Well, now I can say that I know a thing about the industry and now realize how these relationships actually work. Knowing more about national character, learning how to make a connection, all these things help overcome the cultural differences and start a happy family. Our team analyzes a lot of data, statistics, interviews women on dating sites, and actually uses these sites before recommending them.
Yes, that’s a lot of work, but still, though I never thought I’d be working in this niche, I now better understand my own mistakes in a relationship with someone from another country and culture and I believe that I can also help others to avoid them. You know what to expect—that helps you find that bond with a person and avoid disappointments, and I believe that’s a great approach.

Articles Written By Mackenzie Creswell



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